Thursday, 24 April 2008


Gold Records 2007-2008 during the era of this blog:

1. 21st January 1980: $825.50 NY Futures close (April 1980 contract): FALLEN! 7th November 2007

2. 18th January 1980: $835 London (PM) Fix: 2nd highest Fix ever: FALLEN!* 7 & 8th November 2007

3. 21st January 1980: $850 London (PM) Fix: Highest Fix ever: FALLEN! SMASHED! 3rd January 2008

4. 21st January 1980: $887.50 intraday high seen on 'the tape' by Jim Sinclair: FALLEN! 8th January 2008

5. 21st January 1980: $895 intraday high in Chart in 'Schwager on Futures' book: FALLEN! 10th January 2008

6. For British readers: Gold making new All-Time Highs again in Sterling, starting in December 2007!

7. First £500+ London fixes! The London AM Fix £508.45 & PM Fixe £503.69 on 17th March 2008.

*The London AM Fix on 7 November 2007 and then the PM Fix on 8th November beat this record.

All records are now swept away!

Never mind all that! Gold spot price and futures hit $1000 on 13th March 2008 for the first time ever!

Right now, on 24 April 2008, gold has been giving up these records one by one and heading back down into the 880s. :-(

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